Snapchat Archives - Tech Guidenerd Tech News Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:31:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Snapchat Archives - Tech Guidenerd 32 32 Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:31:10 +0000 Snapchat is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, especially among young audiences. 67% of daily active Snapchatters are under 35 years old. For eCommerce brands trying to reach younger demographics, mastering Snapchat marketing strategies is key for future success. In article we talk about Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024. Follow ... Read more

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Snapchat is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, especially among young audiences. 67% of daily active Snapchatters are under 35 years old. For eCommerce brands trying to reach younger demographics, mastering Snapchat marketing strategies is key for future success. In article we talk about Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024.

Follow these best practices on setting up your Snapchat business profile, creating engaging content, utilizing ads, influencer collaborations, analyzing performance metrics and more to boost your eCommerce sales in 2024.

Optimize Your Snapchat Business Profile

The first step is to create a Snapchat business profile. This unlocks key features not available on regular Snapchat accounts, like:

  • Snapchat Ads Manager – Manage and optimize advertising campaigns
  • Story Analytics – Track engagement metrics for your Snaps
  • Website integration – Add a “Add to Cart” button or product showcase to drive purchases

You’ll also want to create a custom Snapcode which users can scan to instantly follow your brand. Having an optimized business profile establishes credibility and discoverability.

Analyze Your Target Audience

Over 50% of Snapchat users engage with the app over 20 times per day. They’re highly engaged, making them prime targets for eCommerce brands.

Use Snapchat’s built-in analytics to identify demographics like age, gender, locations and interests. Tailor your eCommerce content strategy towards trends resonating most with your audience. For example, Gen Z Snapchatters have an influence on over $143 billion in spending per year.

Shoot Creative Snapchat Content

Authenticity and creativity shine on Snapchat. Produce fun Snaps showcasing your eCommerce business’ personality using these engaging content formats:

  • Behind-the-scenes tours
  • New product launches or unboxings
  • Employee takeovers
  • User-generated content from customers
  • “Swipe up to shop” calls-to-action
  • Contests and giveaways

Snaps shouldn’t feel overly promotional. Entertain your audience first while organically integrating your products.

Run Snapchat Collection Ads

Snapchat now features shoppable Collection Ads, perfect for eCommerce brands. Users can swipe through multiple products and checkout directly within Snapchat without leaving the app.

Other powerful ad formats include:

  • Snap Ads (full-screen vertical video ads)
  • Dynamic Ads tailored to users based on browsing history
  • AR try-on capabilities

Snapchat’s self-serve ad platform makes launching and optimizing campaigns easy. Use objectives like traffic, conversions and app installs to drive eCommerce results.

Partner with Snapchat Influencers

83% of Snapchatters have made a purchase based on an influencer’s recommendation. Work with relevant Snapchat creators to promote your products in authentic ways.

Consider launching an influencer takeover campaign. Give influencers temporary access to your Snapchat account to provide their unique perspectives on your brand. Their followers and fans will rush to follow your Snapchat profile for exclusive, insider content.

Track Performance Metrics

Snapchat’s analytics offer robust metrics to gauge your performance:

  • Impressions – Number of times your Snaps were viewed
  • Reach – Total number of unique accounts that viewed your Snaps
  • Engagement rate – Interactions like shares, comments and swipe ups
  • Conversion tracking – Sales, sign-ups, checkouts, add-to-carts and more
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) – Total revenue generated from ads

Continuously monitor metrics and double down on top-performing content while cutting any underperformers.

Drive Website Traffic

Several tactics can send Snapchat traffic directly to your eCommerce site:

  • Swipe-up links in Snaps
  • Snapchat Pixel installed onsite to retarget visitors
  • Custom Snapcodes that link directly products/category pages
  • Shoppable AR Lenses or Snapchat Catalog integration

Add your Snapchat handle across your eCommerce site and other marketing channels to boost followers.

Test Emerging Snapchat Features

Snapchat is rapidly evolving, releasing fresh features monthly. Stay ahead of trends by beta testing new capabilities:

  • Spotlight – User-generated content feed similar to TikTok
  • Screenshop – AI-powered fashion recommendations via Snapchat Camera
  • Director Mode – Multi-snap recording abilities

Pioneering brands see the biggest wins. Evaluate new Snapchat levers that could uniquely bolster your eCommerce strategy.

Follow Snapchat Best Practices

While experimenting, adhere to these Snapchat best practices for optimal success:

  • Post daily Snaps to build a consistent audience
  • Respond to followers via Chat to provide personalized service
  • Incentivize followers to subscribe to your Story for exclusive content
  • Use Snapchat Lenses and World Lenses to boost engagement
  • Partner with Snapchat influencers to capture Gen Z’s attention

Take Inspiration from Brands Crushing It!

For additional inspiration, research these brands excelling on Snapchat:

  • Glossier (beauty) – Leverages employee takeovers and scarcity tactics
  • Gymshark (fitness apparel) – Runs viral contests and giveaways
  • Chipotle (restaurants) – Captures drool-worthy food porn shots

Keep testing what resonates with your eCommerce audience. By continually optimizing your presence, Snapchat can become a revenue-driving sales channel by 2024.


Mastering Snapchat’s unique features and young user base is crucial for eCommerce brands in 2024 and beyond. Apply these 10 Snapchat marketing strategies across creative content production, influencer collaborations, innovative ad formats and compelling calls-to-action. With consistent testing and optimization, your Snapchat efforts will unlock measurable ROI while engaging the next generation of shoppers. I sincerely hope you find this “Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024” article helpful.

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3 options how to see mutual friends on Snapchat Fri, 16 Feb 2024 23:49:58 +0000 “To find out how to see mutual friends on Snapchat is easy! All you need to do is open up the app and go to the Add Friends option. Here is step by step how to find mutual friends on Snapchat.” When it comes to social media, Snapchat is one of the hottest platforms around. ... Read more

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“To find out how to see mutual friends on Snapchat is easy! All you need to do is open up the app and go to the Add Friends option. Here is step by step how to find mutual friends on Snapchat.”

When it comes to social media, Snapchat is one of the hottest platforms around. And one of the coolest features on Snapchat is the ability to see who your friends are friends with – otherwise known as a mutual friend.

Basically, a mutual friend on Snapchat is someone who you and another person have in common. And while it might not seem like a big deal, it can actually be pretty handy.

For example, let’s say you’re trying to figure out who someone is snap chatting with but you don’t want to ask them directly. Checking to see if you have any mutual friends can be a great way to get some clues.

Or, let’s say you’re trying to connect with someone new on Snapchat. Checking for mutual friends is a great way to see if you have anyone in common that can help make the connection.

So how to see mutual friends on Snapchat?

Now that you know what a mutual friend on Snapchat is, you’re probably wondering how you can find them. Luckily, it’s pretty easy.

To find your mutual friends on Snapchat, all you need to do is open up the app and go to the Add Friends option.

Here is step by step how to see mutual friends on Snapchat:

  1. Open Snapchat and go to your Profile icon on the top left corner.
  2. On your profile page, scroll down and go to the Add Friends option.
  3. Next, you’ll see the Quick Add section with a list of names & usernames.
  4. These are people that Snapchat think you might know, either from your phone contacts or mutual friends.

So that’s all there is to it! Pretty simple and easy how to see mutual friends on Snapchat.

Can I see who my friend is friends with on Snapchat?

Unfortunately, no. It doesn’t really tell exactly who these mutual friends are friends with, unlike Facebook for example, that you can go to your friend’s friend list.

So, if you’re trying to snoop on someone or figure out who they’re talking to, you’re out of luck. The best you can do is check for mutual friends and see if that gives you any clues.PRO TIP: How to tell if someone deleted you on Snapchat (3 methods that work!)

How to hide mutual friends on Snapchat?

Now you know how to see mutual friends on Snapchat, you might ask: “How about if I do not want other mutual friend to find me?”

There is a setting to enable or disable this feature. If you’re not interested in being found by your mutual friends, you can easily turn it off.

  1. Open Snapchat and tap on your profile icon on the top left corner.
  2. On your profile page, tap on the Gear icon on the top right corner to access your settings
  3. Scroll down and find Privacy Controls settings.
  4. Tap on See me in Quick Add and you can toggle the Show me in Quick Add setting to off

And that’s it! Once you’ve turned off the Show me in Quick Add setting, your name will no longer appear as a potential match when someone searches for mutual friends.

If you ever change your mind and want to be found by your mutual friends again, simply follow the steps above and toggle the setting back to on.

By the way, if you like to know how to tell if someone deleted you on Snapchat, here our guide.

What does 3 mutual friends mean on Snapchat when someone adds you?

As explained above, the Quick Add option contains users that Snapchat thinks you might know.

And this is based on an algorithm that Snapchat uses to come up with a list, which include factors such as your contacts in the address book, friends of your friends (mutual friends) and etc.

When someone in your Quick Add list is a friend of one or more friends of yours, sometimes Snapchat will add 3+ mutual friends description below their usernames.

This feature mostly appears on old versions of Snapchat, with newer versions Snapchat seems to discontinue or no longer provide this option.

Does the emoji icon next to their name mean mutual friends?

A lot of people asked what does the yellow heart mean on Snapchat and if it means anything related to mutual friends on Snapchat. Unfortunately it is not the case.

The yellow heart next to a Snapchat friend means that you are each other’s best friends.

This means that you send the most snaps to each other and you are included in each other’s top 3 best friends list.


So there you go, it’s pretty straightforward how to see mutual friends on Snapchat.

Mutual friends on Snapchat can be a great way to see if you have anyone in common that can help make the connection.

It’s pretty easy to find your mutual friends on Snapchat, simply open up the app and go to your Friends list.

If you’re not interested in being found by your mutual friends, you can easily turn it off in the Show me in Quick Add setting and your name will no longer appear as a potential match when someone searches for mutual friends.

I hope this article helped clear things up for you.

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How to remove phone number from Snapchat? Tue, 06 Feb 2024 18:07:48 +0000 Short Answer You can remove phone number on Snapchat by signing up a new account using the same number or you can also hide your phone number or change to a new number. Another option is to delete & sign up a new account using an email address. As with any other social media account, ... Read more

The post How to remove phone number from Snapchat? appeared first on Tech Guidenerd.

Short Answer You can remove phone number on Snapchat by signing up a new account using the same number or you can also hide your phone number or change to a new number. Another option is to delete & sign up a new account using an email address.

As with any other social media account, you are required to enter your mobile number when registering a new account with Snapchat.

This has become common practice nowadays especially due to cyber security, most companies use dual factor authentication to verify the owner of the account hence a mobile number becomes mandatory.

Many of you at one stage, probably want to change your mobile number or for any reason, wanted to remove your phone number from Snapchat.

Can you remove phone number from Snapchat?

Unfortunately Snapchat doesn’t allow users to remove phone numbers from their accounts.

You can go to Settings page to access your phone number registered with Snapchat and you can delete the account however when you go back, the number will still be there.

There are however few options available for the workaround. Some with pros and cons. 

Here we will review each method so you can decide which one works best for you.

How to remove phone number from Snapchat

There are 4 methods on how to remove phone number from Snapchat.

Some might not completely remove the number but it’s a workaround, just depending on the reason you wanted to remove your phone number.

Let’s review each option here:

1. Create a new account with same number

This method works by linking your existing phone to a new account. 

Your phone number will be then associated with the second account and removed from your original account.

The drawback is that you will have to keep 2 Snapchat accounts, although you can always leave the second account idle & do nothing about it.

Here how to implement this method, same ways for both Apple iOS or Android.

  • Go to your Snapchat profile page
  • Tap on the Gear icon on top right corner
  • In the Settings, scroll all the way down & select Log Off
  • On the the landing page, select Sign up for a new account
  • Go through the process of registering a new account. 
  • When asked, use the number that you want to remove from your account.
  • Once you finish setting a new account, you can just log off. 

Now, if you log back into your old account, you shall see your phone number is removed and no longer associated with your account.

2. Hide your phone number

This option is pretty simple and it will work for most people.

So instead of removing the phone number which is not allowed, Snapchat does provide an option to hide your number. 

By turning on this setting, your number will be hidden from the public.

Here how to set it up:

  1. Tap on your profile icon to go to the Profile page
  2. And then, tap on the gear icon on top right corner
  3. In the Settings page, select Mobile Number
  4. You show see ‘Let others find me using my mobile number’ option
  5. Toggle it off

This is a good option if you do not want people to find your Snapchat account using your mobile number.

3. Remove and change your number

This method works if you simply want to change your number on Snapchat. 

You might have an old number that you no longer use so you want to update the number. Or, perhaps you have a second phone number.

To change your number on Snapchat, follow the steps described above.

Profile page > Settings (gear icon) > Mobile Number > replace the number

Snapchat uses dual factor authentication so make sure it is a valid number as you’ll receive a text on your mobile to confirm your mobile number.

PRO TIP: Do you know ho to view Snapchat stories without being friends? Here how to do it!

4. Delete Snapchat account

This option is probably ideal if you no longer want to use your current account and would like to remove phone numbers from Snapchat.

Once your account is deleted, you should register a new account using an email address, instead of a phone number.

Or, you can use a new phone number too.

To sign up a Snapchat account using an email address, go through the usual steps of registering a new account.

At the last step when prompted to enter a phone number, select the link ‘Sign up with email instead’ option.

The drawback with this method is that you will lose all your settings, chats and snaps. Also, you have to add all your friends again.

Here the steps how to delete Snapchat account:

  1. Open your Snapchat and go to your Profile page
  2. Tap on the Gear icon on the top right corner to access Settings. 
  3. In Settings, scroll down the page and find Account Actions
  4. Next, tap on Delete Account.

Before you can delete your Snapchat account, you will be asked to confirm your username and password.

Once the account is deleted, all your friends will not be able to contact you and all your Snaps and Chats will be gone.

After 30 days, your account will be then permanently deleted.


Snapchat doesn’t allow users to remove phone numbers from their account however there are few workarounds you can try.

To remove phone number from Snapchat, you can try to create a new account with the same number. The other options are to hide your numbers or change to a new number. 

Alternatively, you can simply delete the account and register a new one.

Hope this article helpful for you.


Can people see my phone number from Snapchat?

No, Snapchat has privacy policy that will not reveal your phone number on public

Why does Snapchat require a phone number or email address when signing up for a new account?

Because it will protect your identity and add an extra layer of security. Snapchat uses dual factor authentication by sending a text or an email to verify your identity.

Can I make a Snapchat account without verifying email or phone number?

No, unfortunately you won’t be able to sign up a new account without email or phone number, there is no other option.

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8 Quick ways to fix Snapchat not loading snap or stories Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:27:14 +0000 “If the Snapchat won’t load, generally restart the app will fix the issue however there are few other options to fix the issue, follow our simple guides.” In nutshell, here are steps you can to do to fix Snapchat won’t load: Restart your mobile and Snapchat appCheck Snapchat permissionclear the cachecheck WiFi connectionchange DNS settingsremove ... Read more

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“If the Snapchat won’t load, generally restart the app will fix the issue however there are few other options to fix the issue, follow our simple guides.”

In nutshell, here are steps you can to do to fix Snapchat won’t load:

Restart your mobile and Snapchat app
Check Snapchat permission
clear the cache
check WiFi connection
change DNS settings
remove and re-add friends list
clear Snapchat conversation
Reinstall the Snapchat.

There are many reasons that cause Snapchat to not load the snap or stories or even not responding.

We will cover all in this article how to go through the steps and fix the problem.

The following troubleshooting steps can be applied if you encounter other issues within the Snapchat app as well such as black screen or error message.

Let’s look at more details of each step below. Remember these techniques are applied for both Android or Apple devices.

Restart the app & your mobile devices

As always first thing first, you should always restart the Snapchat app or your mobile prior any attempts for troubleshooting as this could solve the issue easily.

The cause of Snapchat not loading snap or stories could be due to some error processing ‘behind the scene’ within the app or your mobile operating system.

Restart is always a good way to rule other issues out.

To restart your app and your mobile phone, follow these steps:

Android devices

How to close & restart Snapchat or any app: Open Settings > Apps > tap more on the upper right corner > select Reset app preferences > read thru the warning & confirm Reset apps 

How to restart Android phone: Press and hold the power button, tap on Restart when it appears and that’s it.

Apple devices

How to close and restart Snapchat or any app: On an older iPhone with the home button, double press on the round button (home), go through the list of the apps, find Snapchat and swipe up to quit the app.

On newer iPhone, swipe up the bottom of the screen, find the app and and swipe up to close the app. 

To restart Apple iPhone: Press and hold volume down and the power button, tap on Slide to power off when it appears and that’s it, your phone will restart.

Clear the Snapchat Cache

If restarting your phone doesn’t work, trying clearing the Snapchat cache might help.

Cache is basically data that is saved on your device after you open and use an app or visit a website.

This data can be used for when you reuse the app or revisit the website, reducing load time.

How to clear your Snapchat Cache

  1. Open Snapchat, tap your profile (Avatar) on the top left and then tap on ⚙ icon on the top right to open the Settings
  2. Scroll down, find and select ‘Clear Cache’ option
  3. Tap ‘Clear’ to confirm on iOS and tap ‘Continue’ on Android

Check your Snapchat Permission

If the Snapchat doesn’t have appropriate permission to run, it would cause issues when using the app.

If certain permission is not allowed, Snapchat might not be able to detect screenshots, save content and even a black screen.

Here is the simple way to check permission in Snapchat:

  1. Open Snapchat, tap your profile (Avatar) on the top left and then tap on ⚙ icon on the top right to open the Settings
  2. Tap on Permissions
  3. Go through the list and missing permission items will have the ‘Tap to enable’ option. 
  4. Review each item and give permission Snapchat needs.

Check your network or WiFi connection

Sometimes the reason why Snapchat is not loading could be due to poor or no internet connection on your phone.

Go to your phone setting and make sure you are connected, you can also simply open your web browser (Chrome, Safari and etc.) and quickly check if you open any web pages. 

There are few reasons why your phone is not connected to network:

  1. Poor WiFi signal or connection, try go closer to your router
  2. If you are on public WiFi, the owner could put restrictions on the use of some apps. 
  3. If you are using VPN, you could try to disable it

Pro Tip: How to send a picture as a snap? 2 ways to do it.

Check for Snapchat updates

This could be important as older versions of an app sometimes may not be working as it should given the app could have been updated with significant change. 

How to update apps on mobile devices:

On Android devices: Open Google Play Store > Tap on profile icon on top right > Tap Manage apps & device > Apps with an update available are labelled Update available

On Apple devices: Open the App Store > Tap on Profile icon on top > Scroll down to see all apps update, you can update one by one or tap on ‘Update All’

Clear Snapchat conversation

If your snaps or stories are not loading as it should, clearing the Snapchat conversations may fix the issue.

To do that, follow the steps below.

  1. Tap on your profile icon and select the ⚙icon to open ‘Settings
  2. Scroll down and find ‘Clear conversations
  3. Tap on the ‘x’ to clear a conversation

Remember that clearing conversation will not delete any saved or sent content.

Reinstall Snapchat

In some cases, this last option may be necessary to fix the issue of Snapchat not loading any snap or stories.

Sometimes the app might encounter errors and cannot be resolved by tweaking the settings and the best option is to just delete and reinstall the app.

Follow these steps on How to delete an app:

Apple devices: Touch and hold the app > Tap ‘Remove App’ > Select ‘Delete’ to confirm

Android devices: Open Google Play Store > From top right, tab profile icon > Tap ‘Manage apps & devices’ > Select ‘Manage’ > Tap on the app you want to delete and tap ‘Uninstall

Re-adding friends in Snapchat

This trick works on some cases due an error within the application especially in the friend list.

By remove and add the ones that in error, it could fix the issue Snapchat stop loading problem.

Open your Snapchat, from the bottom menu tap on the 2 person icon and select ‘Add Friends‘ option. Go thru the list, if you see any error – remove them, close the app and you can add them back by tap on ‘Add Friends‘ option.

Talking about adding friends, if you’re wondering Do Snapchat friend requests expire? The answer may surprise you


Hope one of the steps described in this article helps fix the issue with Snapchat not loading snap or stories. If none of these are able to rectify the problem, you can also contact Snapchat support directly. 

How to contact Snapchat support on your phone: From the Snapchat settings page, scroll down to ‘Support’ and there are few options depending what support you require. 

Alternatively you can click on the link for: Snapchat Support

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How to tell if someone deleted you on Snapchat (3 methods that work!) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 12:26:01 +0000 It can be really confusing trying to figure out whether or not someone has deleted you on Snapchat. The app doesn’t provide any notifications or alerts when someone removes you from their Friends list, so it’s up to you to keep track of who is and isn’t following you. If you want to know how ... Read more

The post How to tell if someone deleted you on Snapchat (3 methods that work!) appeared first on Tech Guidenerd.

It can be really confusing trying to figure out whether or not someone has deleted you on Snapchat. The app doesn’t provide any notifications or alerts when someone removes you from their Friends list, so it’s up to you to keep track of who is and isn’t following you.

If you want to know how to tell if someone deleted you on Snapchat, there are a few methods you can use. Here 3 options you can try and find out which one works for you. We did test it ourselves and it works.

Method 1: Check in your Friend List

The easiest way to find out if someone has deleted you on Snapchat is to check your friend list. To do this, here is the step by step guide:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and tap on your profile picture on the top left.
  1. On the next screen, swipe down and find the My Friends option.

If someone is no longer on your Friends list, it’s likely that they have deleted you from their own Friend list.

Method 2: Find your friend Snapchat score

Another way to check if someone has deleted you on Snapchat is to check your friend’s Snapchat score. Here is the step by step how to do it:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and go to your Chat tab
  2. Find the person you think may have deleted you and tap on their name to open their profile.
  3. Check their Snapchat scoreIf it says 0 or there is no score, it’s likely that they have deleted you from their Friends list.
  4. If the person’s Snapchat score is still there, it’s likely that they haven’t deleted you from their Friends list.

Method 3: Check if the chat or snap you sent shows with x sign at the end

If you’re pretty sure that someone has deleted you on Snapchat, another way to check is to see if the chat or snap you sent them has the x sign, although it said it’s delivered. If it is, it means they haven’t opened it yet and they might have deleted you.

To do this, here is the step by step guide:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and go to your Friends list.
  2. Find the person you think may have deleted you and tap on their name to open their chat.
  3. Check to see if the chat or snap you sent them has the x sign. Or you can try to send a new test chat or snap. 


If you’re trying to figure out how to tell if someone has deleted you on Snapchat, there are a few methods you can use. You can check your friend list, find your friend’s Snapchat score, or see if the chat or snap you sent them has the x sign.

Hopefully one of these methods will work for you and you’ll be able to tell if someone has deleted you on Snapchat.

Related FAQs

Do you get any notification when someone adds you as a friend or when someone removes you from their friend list?

Yes, you will get a notification when someone adds you but no notification when someone removes you from their friend list.

If someone deleted me from their friend list, why is he or she still in my contacts?

This is because you have not removed them from your phone address book as Snapchat will automatically scan your contact list.

Can I still view someone’s story in Snapchat if they deleted my account from their friend list?

Yes, you will still be able to view their story if it’s set to public but not if they share their stories to friends only.

What happens if I delete someone from my Snapchat?

If you delete someone from your Snapchat, you will be removed from their friend list and you will no longer be able to chat or view their story.

What is the difference between removing someone from a friend list and blocking someone on Snapchat?

The main difference is that if you block someone on Snapchat, they will not be able to see your profile, story or chat with you. If you remove someone from your friend list, they will still be able to see your profile and public story. They can still send your chat or snap but in pending mode until you add him or her back to your friend list.

What happens if you send a snap to someone who deleted you?

You can still send them a snap but they will not receive it until they add you back to their Friend List. On your chat, it will appear as delivered but with the x sign on the right side. See method 3 above.

Is your Snapchat sometimes not loading properly? Check out our guide here how do you fix Snapchat not loading snap or stories.

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Will Snapchat friend request expire? Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:42:44 +0000 People are asking questions such as if Snapchat friend requests expire. How to find out if your request is rejected? Where to see pending friend’s request or what happens if someone rejects your request? We’ll try to answer to those questions. Snapchat friend requests are a way for users to add new friends on Snapchat. ... Read more

The post Will Snapchat friend request expire?  appeared first on Tech Guidenerd.

People are asking questions such as if Snapchat friend requests expire.

How to find out if your request is rejected?

Where to see pending friend’s request or what happens if someone rejects your request?

We’ll try to answer to those questions.

Snapchat friend requests are a way for users to add new friends on Snapchat.

When you receive a friend request, you’ll be able to see the person’s username and display name, as well as their Bitmoji (if they have one).

If you decide to accept the friend request, that person will be added to your Snapchat friends list and you’ll be able to send them snaps.

If you don’t want to be friends with the person who sent you the request, you can accept or deny the request.

So do Snapchat friend requests expire?

The quick answer is yes, Snapchat friend requests expire in 48 hours if your friends do not respond to your request.

This is Snapchat’s way of keeping the app’s user base active and engaged.

How do you know if someone rejects your friend request on Snapchat?

  1. You don’t get a notification telling you that they’ve added you back.
  2. Every time someone adds you as a friend on Snapchat, you’ll see a yellow notification in the ‘add’ section of the app.
  3. When you do a search, you won’t be able to add them.
  4. You can no longer send a friend request or a snap to that person.

Where are my friends’ requests on Snapchat?

Now, you might ask if you can see pending requests and where to find the friend request you have sent.

Follow these steps to find out:

  • Tap on your profile picture
  • Select the Add Friends button on the next screen
  • Type in the search box the person’s username
  • From the Add Friends list, you will see the button ‘Added’ in blue text. That means Snapchat has sent your friend request and is waiting for their response.

Why did my Snapchat friend request disappear?

If your Snapchat friend request has disappeared, it could be because the person you sent the request to either denied or ignored it.

If a friend request is not accepted within 48 hours, it will expire.

It’s also possible that the person you sent the request to deleted their Snapchat account.

If this is the case, you won’t be able to add them as a friend and their account will no longer appear in Snapchat’s search results.

Or they might have blocked you. If someone has blocked you on Snapchat, you won’t be able to see their account in the app’s search results and you won’t be able to send them snaps.

What happens when someone deletes your friend request?

If you delete a friend request on Snapchat, the person who sent you the request will not be notified.

However, if they try to add you back, they will see that their request has been deleted.

If you decide to delete a friend request, the person who sent you the request will not be able to send you another one.

Here is how to tell if someone deleted you on Snapchat (3 methods that work!)

Can you cancel a friend request on Snapchat?

You can’t technically cancel a friend request as Snapchat will automatically add it for you but pending the person accept or deny your request. 

One option is to wait until your friend request expires. 

You can see your pending friend request following the guide described above but if you would like to know if your friend request is indeed in pending, that’s easy.

Go to your Friend List and try to search for the person’s username, if it is not in the list, that means he or she has not accepted your request.

Now, if you go to the Add Friends section, and again search for the person’s username – you will see it shows added. 


To sum it up, yes, Snapchat friend requests do expire if they are not accepted within 48 hours.

If your request has expired, you can try sending another one or wait until the person you’re trying to add you back. 

While on the Snapchat topic, have you found sometimes your Snapchat not loading snap or stories? Here is how to fix it.

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How to send a picture as a snap? [2 ways to do it] Wed, 25 Oct 2023 23:49:44 +0000 Short Answer:There are 2 methods how to send a picture as a snap: Use the Snap filter in Snapchat or simply use a third party app, we tried both and it worked. A snap on Snapchat is a picture that you can send to your friends. It’s a quick and easy way to share a ... Read more

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Short Answer:
There are 2 methods how to send a picture as a snap: Use the Snap filter in Snapchat or simply use a third party app, we tried both and it worked.

A snap on Snapchat is a picture that you can send to your friends.

It’s a quick and easy way to share a moment with them and that is usually a ‘live’ picture, meaning you will take the photo directly from the Snapchat app and then send it to your friend.

But what if you want to send a picture from your camera roll or photo gallery as a snap, instead of sending it as a chat with a picture or video attachment. That could be a challenge!

In this article, we will show you the tricks or options available to get around this limitation and step by step how to send a picture as a snap on Snapchat.

So that people won’t be able to tell that it’s actually a saved photo from your gallery, rather than a ‘live’ photo or video you’ve taken using the Snapchat app.

Can You Tell if a Snap is From a Camera Roll?

The answer is yes, Snapchat can detect where the picture comes from, and it will mark it with different color.

When you send a picture as a ‘live’ snap, Snapchat will mark the picture in red whereas if you send it from your photo gallery as a chat, it will be marked in blue.

Allow Snapchat to access your photos

Before we go through the steps on how to send a picture as a snap, you have to allow Snapchat to access your photo album or photo gallery.

Here is how to set the Snapchat permission:

Open the Snapchat app > tap on your profile icon (top left corner) > tap on the gear icon (settings) on top right corner > in Additional Services, tap on Manage > then select Permissions.

How to send a picture as a snap from your camera roll as a snap?

We tested 2 options available and both worked.

First method is to use the Camera Roll Snap filter and second method is to use a third party app called LMK: Make New Friends.

Normally when you send a picture or video from your camera roll in Snapchat, it will be sent as a chat rather than a snap.

That’s how Snapchat differs from other messaging apps, snap is their core feature that allows users to take a photo, edit it and instantly send it ‘live’. The snap will disappear after the recipient opens & reads it.ALSO READ:Do Snapchat friend requests expire? The answer may surprise you

Option 1: Use Snap Filter Trick to Send a Picture as a Snap

You can use filters available in Snapchat to make your photo look like it’s taken live using the app.

Here are the steps how to send a picture as a snap using camera roll filter:

  1. Open Snapchat app
  2. Tap on the Search icon, next to your profile picture.
  3. Type in ‘Camera Roll’ in the search
  4. You’ll see a list of different lenses, just select any one.
  5. Your photos gallery will load across the bottom of the screen.
  6. Select a photo & tap on the camera roll button.
  7. Next, you can edit it first or simply send it as a snap!

That’s it, it’s a pretty simple method and anyone can do it.

Once you have done this once, the selected lenses will appear automatically in your filters, just tap on the smiley emoji button, next to the camera button on the bottom menu.

Option 2: Use a Third Party App to Send a Picture as a Snap

There are few apps that allow you to send a photo from your camera roll that looks just like an actual live Snap.

Two of the most popular are LMK: Make New Friends by LightSpace Inc. and Snap Share which are available both on iOS and Android.

LMK can be downloaded here for Apple Store and here for Google Play store.

After you downloaded and installed the LMK app, sign in using your Snapchat credential to connect to your account.

Here are the steps how to send a picture as a snap using the app:

  • Tap the “+” icon, then Post.
  • Choose the camera icon on the bottom left of your screen.
  • Your gallery will open, select the photo you want to send.
  • After that, tap Post to Snapchat.
  • The Snapchat app will appear and your photo will be in its background now.
  • You need to remove any stickers or attachments from LMK before sending it though.
  • To do so, drag the sticker off-screen until it disappears.
  • Next, hit the Paperclip icon and select Remove attachment.
  • Now you can go ahead and Send your Snap!

The LMK app automatically adds the sticker and attachment, but they can both be easily removed if you want to create a “fake” Snap from your phone gallery.

Just keep in mind that you can only do one picture at a time, and then you have to remove the sticker and attachment again before proceeding.

Will a snap from a camera roll be counted as a normal snap?

Using the tricks above, you might ask the question: does it count as a real snap so that you won’t lose your Snapchat score?

The answer is Yes, it will be counted as a snap so you won’t lose your Snapchat streak. Because it is sent and marked as red, we can be assured that Snapchat considers them as a snap so you’ll continue earning the Snap score.PRO TIP: If you are interested to know how to get your Snapchat score up, follow our guide here.

Will people be aware if I send a snap from a camera roll using these tricks?

No, people won’t be aware that you send a snap from a camera roll as long as you use the tricks explained in this guide.

The only thing they might notice is the quality of your photo because when you take a photo using Snapchat, it’s automatically saved in high quality (unless you change it in settings).

But other than that, they won’t be able to tell the difference.


Sending a picture as a snap from your camera roll is easy, you can use either Snapchat filters or third-party apps to do so.

Keep in mind that you need to remove any stickers or attachments before sending it if you’re using a third-party app like LMK.

And also, the snap from the camera roll will be counted as a real snap so you can continue your Snapchat streak.

I hope this guide helps and you find it useful.

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What does WRD mean on Snapchat? [EXPLAINED] Thu, 19 Oct 2023 04:45:22 +0000 Have you ever seen someone use “wrd” on Snapchat, but have no idea what it means? Don’t worry, you’re not alone!  In this blog we’ll take a look at the mysterious origins of this curious acronym and unpack just what it could mean to those who find it in their messages.  So come along on ... Read more

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Have you ever seen someone use “wrd” on Snapchat, but have no idea what it means?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

In this blog we’ll take a look at the mysterious origins of this curious acronym and unpack just what it could mean to those who find it in their messages. 

So come along on the journey to unlocking the secrets of “wrd”!Short Answer
“Wrd” is a slang word, usually used when someone finds a particular post or message strange or amusing such as “Weird” or “Really” but in other context, it could also mean an agreement with a statement, similar to “Well Said”

What does WRD mean on Snapchat?

If you are looking to find out the meaning of “WRD” on Snapchat or in text message, you have come to the right place. 

The contextual meaning of WRD is similar to “Well Said” and is used as a form of agreement or understanding someone else’s point. 

Purposely similar in context to “Really”, it can be used to show support of a statement or opinion without necessarily saying anything more elaborate.

WRD has been around for a few years and is now commonly used on Snapchat when conversations occur between friends. 

It is often abbreviated as “wrd” due its phonetic similarity to “Well Said”, but the meaning remains virtually unchanged.

WRD is an acronym that functions in much the same way as Really does, but due to its shorter abbreviation it does not require additional punctuation or explanation like the other versions do.

To give an example of its usage, if a friend made a statement about politics and you wanted to express your agreement without writing out a long reply, you might use “wrd” at the start of your response to indicate understanding without further comment.

To sum up, “WRD” can be used in conversation with friends on Snapchat to show agreement with what someone else has said without needing additional words or punctuation markers after it.

Another jargon people often used, especially on Facebook is OBJ, find out what does OBJ mean here.

What other meanings of “wrd” on Snapchat?

In our modern digital age, there are endless slang words and acronyms being used in various texts, tweets, and posts on various social media platforms. 

One such term that has become prevalent on Snapchat is the “wrd”.

So what other meaning of “wrd” especially on social media such as Snapchat, TikTok or Facebook?

The slang ‘wrd’ stands for the word “weird” and is typically used when someone finds a particular post or message strange or amusing. 

The phrase can be used to poke fun at an illogical statement or situation. 

Users may also use “wrd” as an expression of surprise, disbelief, or shock.

For example:

  • Person 1 posted: I cannot believe my math teacher gave us more homework!
  • Person 2 responded: WRD?!

The term is also occasionally used sarcastically.

Often though it’s simply used to comment on something strange — since weird things tend to stand out more than everyday events. 

In this regard, ‘wrd’ may be found in various contexts not related to social media at all: a person might say “I saw a purple cat the other day; wrd!” while conversing with friends in person.

So the next time you see “wrd” on Snapchat and are unsure of its meaning, now you know—it could imply something strange has happened or occurred and deserves recognition from friends!

Let’s recap

The meaning of the acronym “wrd” is not specific to Snapchat and is used generally across different platforms. 

It has become a popular slang term over the years and can be used to describe a situation briefly or often sarcastically. 

The meaning of “wrd” varies depending on context and how it is used in conversation.

In some cases, people will use the term to acknowledge something without truly expressing much excitement or enthusiasm about it. 

Alternatively, it may be used in a joking manner to defuse a situation or lighten the mood in a conversation. 

Ultimately, its usage depends largely on interpersonal communication between parties involved and the tone that is desired for the conversation at hand.

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How to view Snapchat stories without being friends (5 ways to do it!) Sun, 24 Sep 2023 01:15:58 +0000 Short Answer:You can view Snapchat stories without being friends by using Discover, Snap Map, using third-party app, use mutual friend’s account or simply create new account. It’s no secret that Snapchat is one of the most popular messaging apps out there. However, what’s not so well known is that you don’t need to be friends with ... Read more

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Short Answer:
You can view Snapchat stories without being friends by using Discover, Snap Map, using third-party app, use mutual friend’s account or simply create new account.

It’s no secret that Snapchat is one of the most popular messaging apps out there.

However, what’s not so well known is that you don’t need to be friends with someone on Snapchat to view their story.

In this article, we’ll show you how to view Snapchat stories without being friends.

Snapchat lets you view other users’ stories even if you don’t follow them or have them as your Snapchat friends.

However you can only see them if their stories are public.

Here are 5 ways on how to view someone else’s story on Snapchat without them knowing and we explain if it’s even possible even if the account is private.

Option 1 Snapchat Discover

If you want to watch someone’s story who isn’t your friend on Snapchat, then you can do so by checking out the Snapchat Discover feature.This is a section where you can find all stories that are public and you can view them regardless of whether or not they’re following them.

To access Snapchat Discover, just swipe left from the main screen, from here scroll up to explore all stories your friends posted including public stories from people you subscribed as well as from various brands and creators.

All the stories here, other than your friend who shares it with you, are from public accounts that share their stories publicly.

Option 2 Snap Map

The second way you can view public stories without being friends with someone is by using the Snap Map feature.This is a new Snapchat feature which shows you a map of the world with all the public stories that have been shared in specific locations.

To access Snap Map, open your Snapchat app and tap on the Location icon located on the left bottom.

From this screen, you can see the world map where you can pinch in on the main screen and then scroll around to explore all the public stories that have been shared.

If you zoom into a specific location, you’ll be able to see any public stories that have been shared there.

You can also zoom in and out and find the location of the people whose stories you’d like to see.

Option 3 View someone’s stories via website or app

There are a few different websites and apps that claim to let you view private stories on Snapchat without them knowing.

We can’t vouch for any of these as we haven’t tried them ourselves but we could confidently say it’s not working and not worth your time.

Just be aware that most of these websites and apps require you to sign up for an account before you can start using them.

Make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully before doing so because they could take your personal details and send lots of spam.

PRO TIP: Do you know how to send a picture from camera roll as a snap?

Option 4 Watch their stories via a mutual friend’s Snapchat

Another option to view Snapchat story anonymously is if you have a friend who is friends with the person whose story you want to watch, then you can ask them to show you the person’s story from their device.

Here is how to see mutual friends on Snapchat in few simple steps.

This is of course not a right thing to do from an ethical point of view and most likely your friend won’t allow it anyway.

The other option is to ask your friend to screen record the story and then share it with you.

Option 5 Use another account

If you really want to view someone’s Snapchat story but they’re not your friend and their settings aren’t set to allow friends to share, then your only option is to create a new Snapchat account and add them as a friend.

Of course, this is a bit of a hassle, but it’s the only way you’ll be able to view their story without them knowing.

Just make sure you don’t use your real name or any other personal information when creating the account, as you don’t want them to be able to figure out who you are.


As you can see, there are a few different ways that you can view someone’s Snapchat story without being friends with them.

Some of these methods are more ethical than others, but at the end of the day it’s up to you to decide which one you want to use.

We hope this guide was helpful and that you now know how to view Snapchat stories without being friends.

If you use Snapchat, you might be wondering what the Snapchat score is and how to get your score up, here a quick guide how to do it.

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Can you turn off Discover on Snapchat? [Here how to it] Sat, 16 Sep 2023 22:55:46 +0000 Technically you can’t get rid of Snapchat Discover however you can filter what appear on your Discover page. In this article we will show what are the options to filter the content on Discover page. Snapchat Discover is a feature that allows users to explore content from various sources outside your friend network with sources from ... Read more

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Technically you can’t get rid of Snapchat Discover however you can filter what appear on your Discover page.

In this article we will show what are the options to filter the content on Discover page.

Snapchat Discover is a feature that allows users to explore content from various sources outside your friend network with sources from media, creators, celebrity and influencers.The Discover tab can be found on the two-person icon next to main page, or you can also access it by simply swiping to the left when opening the app.

A lot of people dislike Discover page because of its click bait feed, advertisement or age inappropriate content.

Hence, you might be one of those who are annoyed by this and would like to get rid of the Discover on Snapchat.

Can you turn off Discover on Snapchat?

The quick answer is no, you can’t totally get rid of the Discover page however there are few options available for you to filter what you would like to see on the page.

There are some third party apps that claimed can hide the Discover page but try not to use them as they are usually spammy.

To filter the content of Snapchat Discover, here we’ll go through each options so you can decide which one is the most effective in getting rid of content you don’t like.

1. Hide content from Snapchat Discover

If you find yourself constantly annoyed with a particular channel or creator, you can always hide them so that the Snapchat algorithm eventually will stop ‘promoting’ this channel’s content.

To hide a particular content, follow these simple steps:

  • Press and hold a video that you want hide
  • A menu option will pop up
  • Select Hide this Content

You can’t hide creators or channels that you subscribed to, you must unsubscribe instead.

Next step we’ll show how to unsubscribe.

2. Unsubscribe channel from Snapchat Discover

If you’ve tried the previous method and found that it didn’t help in stopping annoying content from showing up, it could be because the videos are from the channel you subscribed to.

The next option then is to unsubscribe from the channel or creator.

Here how to do it:

From your Subscriptions section, you can simply press & hold the channel you want to unsubscribe and from the pop up menu, toggle the Subscribe option to turn off.

You can also go to your subscription list where you can manage your list including unsubscribe.

Follow the steps below.

  1. Open your Snapchat app and go to Discover page
  2. Tap on the 3-dots icon on top right corner
  3. Select Manage Subscriptions and Notifications
  4. Tap on the channel you want to unsubscribe
  5. Next, tap on the Subscribe button
  6. It will prompt to confirm Unsubscribe
  7. Select Yes

PRO TIP: Do you know if Snapchat friend request expire?Read here.

3. Block and report Discover content to Snapchat

This will be the next best option to filter contents on your Discover page.

By blocking and reporting a channel/creator, you can stop unwanted content from showing up.

To block and report a channel or creator:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and go to Discover page
  2. Press and hold on the video from channel/creator you want to block and report
  3. A menu option will appear, select Report Tile
  4. A new window will appear, select reason why you are reporting
  5. And finally, press Submit Report

There are many categories available where you can report offensive content so please go through the list and select the most appropriate.

Change ad preferences on Snapchat Discover

If you are tired of seeing ads on your discover page, or if you have accidentally click a link that is not appropriate, don’t worry.

You can actually customize the ads you see by changing the ad preferences on Snapchat Discover.

However with the newer app version, Snapchat changed this setting slightly.

Here how to access the ad preference settings:

  1. Go to your Profile page
  2. Tap on the wheel icon on top right corner
  3. In settings menu, go to Additional Services and select Manage
  4. Tap on Ad Preferences
  5. You can update by toggle it off and on based on 3 categories
  6. Audience, Activity or Third-party Ad networks


Turning off the Discover page on Snapchat is unfortunately not possible, however you can customize the content being shown on your Discover page.

We have outlined a few methods that you can use to filter out unwanted content such as: hide content, unsubscribe from channel or creator, block and report offensive channels/ creators and lastly change ad preferences.

Please note that you have to be extra careful when reporting content, and please only report if the content is inappropriate or offensive.

Happy Snapping!

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