, TikTok, Tutorials

Simple step by step how to hide your following list on TikTok

As one of the most popular social media platforms, TikTok has a lot of features that allow users to connect and share content. One feature is the ability to follow other users.

While this can be a great way to find new content, you may not want everyone to see who you’re following. Fortunately, it’s easy how to hide following list on TikTok.

There is a setting in Privacy section of TikTok that allow you to control who can view your followers’ list.

Can people see who I follow on TikTok?

The quick answer is yes. Don’t get confused with private and public accounts as by default, TikTok users can see other users’ followers list. Although, if preferred, users have the option to hide their following list from public view.

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What is the difference between public and private TikTok accounts?

A public TikTok account is one that anyone can view, while a private account can only be seen by people who have been approved by the account holder.

You may opt for a private account or a public account on TikTok.

A private account on TikTok means that only people you approve can follow you and view your content. Additionally, they won’t be able to download your videos or use certain features like Duet or Stitch.

If your TikTok account is public, anyone can see your profile and videos. If you have specific privacy settings enabled, other users may also be able to Duet, Stitch, or download your videos.

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You can control who views your videos by changing the privacy settings, regardless of whether your account is private or public.

By default, others will be able to look for your account but you have some control on who can comment on your videos [our guide here], send you direct messages, and suggest your account to others.

To set your account as private or public:

  1. Go to your Profile page and tap on the 3-line icon in the top right.
  2. Tap Settings and Privacy and go to Privacy.
  3. Turn Private Account on or off.

How to hide following list on TikTok

To hide your following list on TikTok, you need to navigate to the Profile page, tap on the 3-lines on the top right corner and select Settings & Privacy.

In the Privacy setting, if you scroll all the way down, you’ll find Following list where you can select Followers, or Only me can see your followers list.

Hiding your following list on TikTok is a great way to keep your account private and make sure that only people you approve can see who you’re following. By following these steps, you can easily hide your list and keep your account safe.


TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to share and connect with each other. One of the features of TikTok is the ability to follow other users. However, you may not want everyone to see who you’re following.

Fortunately, it’s easy to hide your following list on TikTok as described above. By following these steps, you can easily hide your list and keep your account private.

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