Tips for eCommerce Archives - Tech Guidenerd Tech News Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:31:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips for eCommerce Archives - Tech Guidenerd 32 32 Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:31:10 +0000 Snapchat is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, especially among young audiences. 67% of daily active Snapchatters are under 35 years old. For eCommerce brands trying to reach younger demographics, mastering Snapchat marketing strategies is key for future success. In article we talk about Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024. Follow ... Read more

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Snapchat is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, especially among young audiences. 67% of daily active Snapchatters are under 35 years old. For eCommerce brands trying to reach younger demographics, mastering Snapchat marketing strategies is key for future success. In article we talk about Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024.

Follow these best practices on setting up your Snapchat business profile, creating engaging content, utilizing ads, influencer collaborations, analyzing performance metrics and more to boost your eCommerce sales in 2024.

Optimize Your Snapchat Business Profile

The first step is to create a Snapchat business profile. This unlocks key features not available on regular Snapchat accounts, like:

  • Snapchat Ads Manager – Manage and optimize advertising campaigns
  • Story Analytics – Track engagement metrics for your Snaps
  • Website integration – Add a “Add to Cart” button or product showcase to drive purchases

You’ll also want to create a custom Snapcode which users can scan to instantly follow your brand. Having an optimized business profile establishes credibility and discoverability.

Analyze Your Target Audience

Over 50% of Snapchat users engage with the app over 20 times per day. They’re highly engaged, making them prime targets for eCommerce brands.

Use Snapchat’s built-in analytics to identify demographics like age, gender, locations and interests. Tailor your eCommerce content strategy towards trends resonating most with your audience. For example, Gen Z Snapchatters have an influence on over $143 billion in spending per year.

Shoot Creative Snapchat Content

Authenticity and creativity shine on Snapchat. Produce fun Snaps showcasing your eCommerce business’ personality using these engaging content formats:

  • Behind-the-scenes tours
  • New product launches or unboxings
  • Employee takeovers
  • User-generated content from customers
  • “Swipe up to shop” calls-to-action
  • Contests and giveaways

Snaps shouldn’t feel overly promotional. Entertain your audience first while organically integrating your products.

Run Snapchat Collection Ads

Snapchat now features shoppable Collection Ads, perfect for eCommerce brands. Users can swipe through multiple products and checkout directly within Snapchat without leaving the app.

Other powerful ad formats include:

  • Snap Ads (full-screen vertical video ads)
  • Dynamic Ads tailored to users based on browsing history
  • AR try-on capabilities

Snapchat’s self-serve ad platform makes launching and optimizing campaigns easy. Use objectives like traffic, conversions and app installs to drive eCommerce results.

Partner with Snapchat Influencers

83% of Snapchatters have made a purchase based on an influencer’s recommendation. Work with relevant Snapchat creators to promote your products in authentic ways.

Consider launching an influencer takeover campaign. Give influencers temporary access to your Snapchat account to provide their unique perspectives on your brand. Their followers and fans will rush to follow your Snapchat profile for exclusive, insider content.

Track Performance Metrics

Snapchat’s analytics offer robust metrics to gauge your performance:

  • Impressions – Number of times your Snaps were viewed
  • Reach – Total number of unique accounts that viewed your Snaps
  • Engagement rate – Interactions like shares, comments and swipe ups
  • Conversion tracking – Sales, sign-ups, checkouts, add-to-carts and more
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) – Total revenue generated from ads

Continuously monitor metrics and double down on top-performing content while cutting any underperformers.

Drive Website Traffic

Several tactics can send Snapchat traffic directly to your eCommerce site:

  • Swipe-up links in Snaps
  • Snapchat Pixel installed onsite to retarget visitors
  • Custom Snapcodes that link directly products/category pages
  • Shoppable AR Lenses or Snapchat Catalog integration

Add your Snapchat handle across your eCommerce site and other marketing channels to boost followers.

Test Emerging Snapchat Features

Snapchat is rapidly evolving, releasing fresh features monthly. Stay ahead of trends by beta testing new capabilities:

  • Spotlight – User-generated content feed similar to TikTok
  • Screenshop – AI-powered fashion recommendations via Snapchat Camera
  • Director Mode – Multi-snap recording abilities

Pioneering brands see the biggest wins. Evaluate new Snapchat levers that could uniquely bolster your eCommerce strategy.

Follow Snapchat Best Practices

While experimenting, adhere to these Snapchat best practices for optimal success:

  • Post daily Snaps to build a consistent audience
  • Respond to followers via Chat to provide personalized service
  • Incentivize followers to subscribe to your Story for exclusive content
  • Use Snapchat Lenses and World Lenses to boost engagement
  • Partner with Snapchat influencers to capture Gen Z’s attention

Take Inspiration from Brands Crushing It!

For additional inspiration, research these brands excelling on Snapchat:

  • Glossier (beauty) – Leverages employee takeovers and scarcity tactics
  • Gymshark (fitness apparel) – Runs viral contests and giveaways
  • Chipotle (restaurants) – Captures drool-worthy food porn shots

Keep testing what resonates with your eCommerce audience. By continually optimizing your presence, Snapchat can become a revenue-driving sales channel by 2024.


Mastering Snapchat’s unique features and young user base is crucial for eCommerce brands in 2024 and beyond. Apply these 10 Snapchat marketing strategies across creative content production, influencer collaborations, innovative ad formats and compelling calls-to-action. With consistent testing and optimization, your Snapchat efforts will unlock measurable ROI while engaging the next generation of shoppers. I sincerely hope you find this “Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024” article helpful.

The post Snapchat Marketing Tips for eCommerce Businesses In 2024 appeared first on Tech Guidenerd.

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